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About CBD Oil 

CBD Thera is full spectrum cannabinoid oil ( commonly referred to as Hemp Oil ) extracted from organic hemp mixed with grapeseed oil as well as other essential oils, peppermint, lemon, and orange, are added to make the taste more enjoyable.

The CBD Hemp oil in CBD Thera is grown, distilled, mixed and bottled in the United States.

Every batch is triple tested by US leading, certified laboratories to certify that each bottle conforms to its labeling content.

A review of the literature into non-addictive forms of cannabis, namely hemp, and its CBD oil extract, led Attorney Maloney to research, develop, and bring to market a quality controlled CBD oil product, CBD Thera, launched in 2015.

Since its launch thousands upon thousands of patients, including pets, have benefited from the anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, and other benefits of CBD Thera with the comfort of knowing that it was manufactured with the quality controls its customers should expect from a supplier.

Today, thousands of customers use CBD Thera every day to keep inflammation, pain, and anxiety at bay.  It is the success story of helping so many achieve relief in new and innovative ways that drives Attorney Maloney to bring new products to market such as salves, edibles, and new strengths of CBD tinctures.

We are authorized distributors of CBD Thera. You can purchase directly from their website at or you can take advantage of our special by ordering directly from us. 
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